前天,motor 轮胎突然爆胎!!
好彩,好彩没跌倒。 吓到我了
还是一样是前轮!!! 是那个做的人做不好。。
Hari Keusahawan!
Today, was quite a successful event.
But, i don't think so.
As a leader of the Taekwon-do club, i was failed.
Although, we earn about 200++ i think. Sound like so much...
But when you heard that others club earned much much than me. Then i felt sad.
I heard PBSM earned 900++, St John earned 800++. How can they can do that?
But i cant! Actually, i have many good helper ever than other club.
So i think the problem is on ME!
If me can do like eric, maybe taekwondo club can earn more than PBSM i think.
During the event, we had fun also. I really enjoyed in it very much with my good friend. We sporting on the field, chating, selling together, playing around with throwing ice to each other.It will be a good memory for everyone of us.
Hopefully,doesn't any big problems happened~ i really thankful and appreciate for their co-operation. It wont be succeed without them!!
Thank friends!!! =)
Playing around, enjoyed it so much!!!
But, i don't think so.
As a leader of the Taekwon-do club, i was failed.
Although, we earn about 200++ i think. Sound like so much...
But when you heard that others club earned much much than me. Then i felt sad.
I heard PBSM earned 900++, St John earned 800++. How can they can do that?
But i cant! Actually, i have many good helper ever than other club.
So i think the problem is on ME!
If me can do like eric, maybe taekwondo club can earn more than PBSM i think.
During the event, we had fun also. I really enjoyed in it very much with my good friend. We sporting on the field, chating, selling together, playing around with throwing ice to each other.It will be a good memory for everyone of us.
Hopefully,doesn't any big problems happened~ i really thankful and appreciate for their co-operation. It wont be succeed without them!!
Thank friends!!! =)
明天就是 hari keusahawan 了。 虽然说是个小活动,不过还是蛮难搞的。。哈哈
好才身边有很多好朋友,都很乐意帮我。。谢谢主要的 Chungwee, Kek, Shu Huang, Thomas~他们都教了我很多东西 ,毕竟他们都比我有经验。
不过也是有问题发生的时候。。。。一开始还没发现什么,不过今天 shuhuang 告诉我,misiam 订不到,然后水又有问题.过后才发现,其实并不容易。。~
我竟然把 Amirul 遗忘了。其实他可以帮很多,不过我就是没找他。刚开始,我还以为我能处理。说了真忏悔。。。都是我个人一时的错误想法。。。。
好才身边有很多好朋友,都很乐意帮我。。谢谢主要的 Chungwee, Kek, Shu Huang, Thomas~他们都教了我很多东西 ,毕竟他们都比我有经验。
不过也是有问题发生的时候。。。。一开始还没发现什么,不过今天 shuhuang 告诉我,misiam 订不到,然后水又有问题.过后才发现,其实并不容易。。~
我竟然把 Amirul 遗忘了。其实他可以帮很多,不过我就是没找他。刚开始,我还以为我能处理。说了真忏悔。。。都是我个人一时的错误想法。。。。
Today was AGM for Persatuan day.I have two choices, that is BSMM and Taekwon-do. But at last i choose the Taekwondo. Because i have 100% confident to get the president post. But there sumthing happen out of my expect. The post for president, vice president, secretary, vice secretary, treasurer, and vice treasurer need to vote again. Originally the form 5 senior had made their decision already. When they vote the president post. The most famous form 1 member stand up and shout ''Amirul Hafeez''. At last the votes is more than me. Zzzz~ but i feel happy, because the Form 5 senior help and support me. Beside, my BSMM senior oso 替我打抱不平. haha~ ok la, but i at last at last, the president still is mine 1 , i hope no more any surprising for me...haha~
But the most pity is my best fren siong hi. He is the bayangan sarjan. So we all oways kidding joke wif him and kip call him 'sarjan'. But at last, he din get. This is big blow to him. When i saw him cry, i feel so guilty, because the mornin of the AGM i still kip called him like that, he oso told me that, if later i din get, sure very paiseh 1.....I m so sorry for that ya..i jz hope u can see open now, then i oso will feel better.~ Sorry my fren.
But the most pity is my best fren siong hi. He is the bayangan sarjan. So we all oways kidding joke wif him and kip call him 'sarjan'. But at last, he din get. This is big blow to him. When i saw him cry, i feel so guilty, because the mornin of the AGM i still kip called him like that, he oso told me that, if later i din get, sure very paiseh 1.....I m so sorry for that ya..i jz hope u can see open now, then i oso will feel better.~ Sorry my fren.
Thank you to 够够力~ for helping me design my blog~ haha....and congtraz to 够够力 oso, bcoiz she is the 1st 1 who view my blog.~ She tell me that, www.google.com is a very good website!!! So wad i wan tell say is, if anyone trying to hide sumthing frm 够够力,is impossible~~ Five minutes she will find out~~ hahhaah, js onli five minutes~~ hahahaha
Time FLY
So soon, i had been 2 months did update my blogger. Because of this 2 months, my home, my life was so busy and happy...~ Firstly, is my big sis cum bec from Sabah. After tat is my midterm, and continous wif my holidays.Next, Bpmall TKD competition Then is Robortise competition. And now is 3rd time exam ady~... so fast so fast...my home bec to peace and quiet. Tat oso meaning tat, i gonna be SOLO!!
Now, i jz cum bec frm TKD selection. i was lose.The winner is jz a gred 9 onli. haiz.....i hav ntg to say, i jz can say why i cnt do better? even jz a kick ..thn i was selected. We fight for twice time, maybe first time the juri still can judge. But when round 2, why why why why i cnt even better like the 1st round. His gred was lower, his age oso young thn me. FUCK. i wan so noob, feel like i nt suitable to TKD, everyday still act like very pro at skul. I was so regret for tat. Now i totally feel dun wan take part the bpmal TKD competition. can sum one cum and console me whic cry silently in my heart rite now.
2day, my sis made many many sushi for me, wah, so hapi yi xia, coiz the taste reali nt bad ya. Then, my sis say ask my bro learn how to made sushi from my elder sis for his girlfriend. Once i heard this, i sudden feel wan to learn, and i had made it successfully!! Yeah, but is not for my gf. hahaa. So i m thkin nw, who wan be my gf, i made to U^^
Stress had make me moody for whole day. Stress had make me suffer! Where the stress come from? let me tell U- MIDTERM EXAM!!!! shit ya, so much thing i still dun noe how to do, so many subject i still haven study, sienz lo,so today, i woke up about 6.3++am, specially for study. I thk many ppl around me dun noe i so scare and worry for the exam, but tat is fact. In class, teacher ask us to do practice, thn she go out to take photo. But all the practice i dun noe how to do, the ppl can ask to teach only hanlin and szewei, but they was discussing thn i hard to ask so clear. So i specially go down to find eric them to ask. who noe? who can wonder i will do tat? All the others ppl wan plying around in the class...............................................................i am trying my best to do my best for the exam. So dun blame me, if gt bad result!!!!!!!!!
Timetable for NEXT step of my life!!
- Robotise competition................................X
- Taekwondo Performance...........................X
- Taekwondo competition
- Taekwondo Black Belt 2nd dan Grading
- BSMM NGO competition............................X
- BSMM Camp...........................................X
- Half year examination
The Cumin Soon
- Taekwon-do Selection
- Taekwon-do BPmal Competition
- Midterm Exam
- Robortise competition
NGO Pengakap 2010-4-29
Today, it was a successful performance! We gt 2nd place, and we beat the SMS and SMKDSE!...hahah..but hor, actually i had many wrong lo...hormat kanan, and hetakan.
haiz....reali feel sorry for tat, but all the others macam very happy with their result, so make we wont be so sadz for tat..~haha.http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/video/video.php?v=412835127593&comments.Pls enjoy it ba~
haiz....reali feel sorry for tat, but all the others macam very happy with their result, so make we wont be so sadz for tat..~haha.http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/video/video.php?v=412835127593&comments.Pls enjoy it ba~
BP Mall Taekwon-do Performance 2010-4-11
Today, i was so happy. Because i had done my performance perfectly! My first time break the tile which are as many as 6 pieces!! nice men! Start from form1 i break 3 pieces till last two month still just break 3 among of 5 pieces~..NOOB sia~ ~.All of all i must thank my senior, if they din't teach me the right techique i thk, i still cant break more than 3pieces~ Although i din't break with fire, but i feel very happy ady~My computer background is my photo!! hahah~
STOP kidding!
Eric, Xizhe, pls stop to kidding me around, sumtime, once or twice is enuf ady! Now, my attitude to both of u had change ady, so pls behave urself ya....
Busy 4-7month
- Robotise competition
- Taekwondo Performance
- Taekwondo competition
- Taekwondo Black Belt 2nd dan Grading
- BSMM NGO competition
- BSMM Camp
- Half year examination
2day, i haven receive about hundred plus plus of bday msg~ i am so hapi when i reading everyone of the msg~ THANK YOU to those who sent to me again. In the early mornin, songyan bought a cake for me, so i nt nid to buy by myself lo~ hahah, hapi dao! haha,Thx songyan ya. haha....but all my siblings din cum bec, sigh~ at hm jz onli sienz! if i din say, my parent still dun noe 2day is my bday~ sad lo...hahah
Hapi HApi HAPi HAP ^Q^
2day, i am vry busy, i am bz for reply all their bday comment. I so hapi when i saw so many had comment ady. Reali thx to all my dear fren ya~ haha. i am replyin with my unstoppable smile. haha. One more thing, 2day, she say hapi bday to me. i am hapi tat she still remember my bday, but tis doesnt mean anything, so better dun thk too much. haha.~ ~ ~
IS Cuming!
Dun noe why, i sudden feel so excited for tis year bday, i hope will have any surprising to me, such as, giv me a ph as my present, she.... or they help me celebrate. But, the robortik competition is cumin~ haiz, tis saturday mornin oso nid go for robortik, thn noon gt addmath ttn lagi.Then exam is cumin 2. Oh my god, how i celebrate my bday lo? Ok la, stop daydreaming le~ haha
The true was find out and prove tat i am innocence.Zzz....thn tat two ppl hav apologize to me. But i should forgive them? Wad should i do to them? Actually i totally dun noe. Haiyo, forget it ba, i am nice ppl wad, so let it bygone be bygone ba. After tis, i thk she will more cherish our friendships than ever b4, so also is a good thing wad. haha
Fuck 1

In the 1st of the year, i was get in trouble already. The prefect meeting held on Wednesday noon. Fortunately, my Chinese class also is Wednesday noon. At 1st is my friend say, he go for prefect meeting and absent Chinese class. Then don't is who go spread out the information which Chinese class was cancel. So my classmate-Yang Sze Wei, go ask Pn Ham for confirm whether gt Chinese class or not. Who know, he was scolded by Pn Ham. Pn Ham say, if you don't wan attend the Chinese class, also don't go spread out the wrong information. The guy feel bad at that time. Dun know why, the other day, i jz cum in the class, he cum in the class and say Pn Ham wan see me rite now. So i followed him go to office lo. On the way, i ask him for the reason Pn Ham wan see me. He say, is me tell him that the Chinese class was cancel. WTF ?!.... Then i was scolded by Pn Ham. I know she was very angry at that time, so i didn't quarrel with her. Unfortunately, the Mr Sarjit singh was pass by there, so Pn Ham go complain him about me. Sarjit just say demerit me as my punishment. After that, the Radzah was come in the office. She go complain Radzah about me again. WTF?!. Both are prefect teacher wad, i so unlucky. Pn Ham add 1 more thing for me, say i ponteng for chinese class and prefect meeting as the reason attend the prefect meeting. Luckily, Radzah know wad the Pn Ham person are. So radzah jz ask me go ask for the attendance from head prefect only. Actually, i didn't blame all the fault on Pn Ham. I most DULAN is that Yang Sze Wei, why he wan me dead wif him together? I gt do anything wrong to him? really is very angry.............................!!!!!!
28/2, today my bro went bec to kl, my parent went out after my bro leave and left me alone in home. The raining is cumin, my hm current was cut off to avoid anything happen. i vry suffer in the quietness~ oh my god, i really wan to find sum1 to chat to let me be better. haiz~..thn i go into my car open the radio, i drive myvi after i drive toyota~ At last, i decided to switch on my com and write at here. After about 1 hour, i be better nw. i most hate tis feeling, fuck!. Actually everytime my sibling leave me for study, i will feel like tis. Tis feeling will make me cry. I feel so lonely rite now. Every time i thk, if gt sumone can oways share my feeling thn tat will be best for me. Last time gt a girl, she told me, "nvm ya, ur siblings go study, still gt me". At the every moment like rite nw, a question occur in my mind tat is " where is she nw". All the word of wad she telling me is a LIE. Should i go sms her, tell ber tat i vry lonely now? NO, I cnt do tat. i cnt do tat........................................
Why i am the youngest? Zzzz.
Why i am the youngest? Zzzz.
A busy Saturday
27/2, was a bz day~ started from the early mornin, about 7am still 10.30pm, i stay at outside. mornin, 8am-12pm, bz for robortil. After tat, i go addmath tuition, frm 1-3pm. Then, i take bus go summit and waiting for my fren cut his hair for 1 hour~Zzzz.....then, we go taekwondo centre for preparing go senggarang for the performance. when we reach there, is about 6pm. then we started our rehearse. Then the dinner started about 7pm++. We start our performance b4 we eat. Actually, the performance was go in smooth de. But, i cnt break the tile for 5 pieces~ so sad ya~ damn sad ya~. haiz, thn i emo whole niz~ haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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