
Hari Keusahawan!

Today, was quite a successful event.
But, i don't think so.
As a leader of the Taekwon-do club, i was failed.
Although, we earn about 200++ i think. Sound like so much...
But when you heard that others club earned much much than me. Then i felt sad.
I heard PBSM earned 900++, St John earned 800++. How can they can do that?

But i cant! Actually, i have many good helper ever than other club.
So i think the problem is on ME!
If me can do like eric, maybe taekwondo club can earn more than PBSM i think.
During the event, we had fun also. I really enjoyed in it very much with my good friend. We sporting on the field, chating, selling together, playing around with throwing ice to each other.It will be a good memory for everyone of us.
Hopefully,doesn't any big problems happened~ i really thankful and appreciate for their co-operation. It wont be succeed without them!!

                     Thank friends!!! =)

  Taekwon-do Club of High School Batu Pahat, ROCK!!!
  Playing around, enjoyed it so much!!!

